Any Colour You Like, 2-CD Deluxe Edition

Any Colour You Like Deluxe Edition

The shockwave caused by Colin’s death continues to reverberate around the globe. We’ve received messages of love, loss and sadness from tens of thousands of fans from all over the planet. We’re reminded every day that Colin’s music has touched a great many more people than we, or even he, knew.

Many have expressed the belief that Colin’s music deserves to be better known, and no one feels this more acutely than those of us at Black HQ, but the reality of the modern record business is that there is an ever-increasing number of artists competing for the attention of the ever-diminishing mainstream music media. Quality is rarely the determining criteria for fame. Colin was never interested in compromising his work for the sake of commercialism. He only cared about writing songs that touched people, making music that mattered, and releasing records that would stand the test of time. He never stopped striving for those ideals and it’s become clear from all the messages we’ve received since his death, that he reached these goals more often than he realised.

We are left with a fierce determination to make sure that Colin’s music will be better known. Colin’s catalogue is filled with great songs, heart-touching performances and intense beauty. We are on a mission to spread the word and we need his fans to help us.

The Any Colour You Like, Deluxe Edition, double-CD has been created specifically with this goal in mind. CD 1 comprises 16 songs that were voted for by the fans as the best representatives of Colin’s catalogue and originally released as a single album with a downloadable PDF. CD 2 contains the ten tracks that Colin personally chose to accompany the deluxe vinyl versions of the album. The CD packaging is gorgeous. It’s a hardback book with 64 pages of art, lyrics, production notes, many previously unpublished photographs, and an extensive conversation with Colin during which he talks about all of the songs on the CDs, the way they were recorded, what they meant to him, and how his attitude towards his work changed over the years. The re-recording of Wonderful Life is included of course, as is the re-worked version of Sweetest Smile. The version of Water On Snow was recorded in front of a small group of fans in a studio in North London in 2010 and is magical. Every track is beautiful and for those of us who loved Colin, often heartbreaking, and we want as many people as possible to hear them so we’re keeping the price of this edition as low as we reasonably can for as long as we can.

Because the packaging is high quality and expensive to make, we can’t afford to run any price promotions, special discounts or limited offers and we’re not going to put the price up just so we can discount it. This is an artefact of value and quality and we’re going to promote it for many years to achieve one purpose; not to make money, but to make new fans.

It’s all about spreading the word. We want you to help us by posting your reviews and comments to online retailers (like Amazon) to encourage casual listeners to invest a few minutes of their time in giving the music a chance. We have always believed that all we ever needed for Colin’s music to be appreciated was for it to he heard, and the fans have a vital role in helping to make this happen. Please like the Facebook page and help to spread the word by sharing our posts about this deluxe edition and all of Colin’s work.

We’re on a crusade. Please join us. Choose any song or any colour you like, as long as it’s Black.

To order from Amazon, go here, to listen to the music, visit this page.

Track listing:

Disc 1 

1. Wonderful Life (2002 Re-record)
2. Sweetest Smile
3. Water on Snow (Live at the Aquarium)
4. Tomorrow Is Another Night
5. Fly Up to the Moon
6. Let Me Watch You Make Love
7. Too Many Times
8. Swingtime
9. Ave Lolita
10. The Way She Was Before
11. Better Letting Go
12. Two Churches
13. Stormy Waters
14. Her Coat and No Knickers
15. Sleeper
16. Where the River Bends

Disc 2 
1. If You’re All Done Dying
2. In a Heartbeat
3. What Makes a Fool
4. Walk on Frozen Water
5. Surrender
6. The Unforgiven
7. Grievous Angel
8. California
9. Beneath the Radar
10. Storm Cloud Katherine

For the collectors and vinyl fans (Colin always preferred the sound of vinyl), the 12″ vinyl versions of Any Colour You Like Volume Two in both a gatefold sleeve and a hardback book edition with a bonus LP with six extra tracks and an eighteen page booklet are available through  who, as of December 2016, still have a limited stock of Volume One.

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